A word from Alex “I stumbled on the gym one day back in Autumn 2019. I’d been to the vets and as I walked back to the car I spotted a couple of very fit looking people working out in one of the units there. Why didn’t I know about this place? I spoke briefly…

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Happy 1st of February! Now we’ve all tried my steak caprese before (if not scroll down and you’ll find it – its a good one for the weekend) This is a slightly different version that is quick to prep and is so simple its ideal to throw together during the week Ive taken a few…

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We had this for dinner last night when we got back from teaching our HIIT class It was so quick and incredibly tasty, I had to share with you all Dinner is severed in literally 10 minutes so perfect for satisfying hungry bellies Ingredients – this feeds 2 comfortably 1 packet of microwavable rice King…

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A word from Louise   “I started PT with Louise back in January 2019, I’d hit 40 the previous year and was feeling pretty rubbish about myself. After meeting Lou at an event I decided to take her up on the offer of a chat and see what she could do for me. It was…

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One question you must ask yourself before dieting: “Am I doing it for the right reasons”? For yourself that is, not for others. This will help you stick to it and sustain any changes you make. Here are common mistakes people make when starting a new diet: 1. Incorrectly Tracking Calories “I‘ve been dieting for…

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A word from Holly “I began my fitness journey around two and a half years ago. My friend did personal training with Lou before 10x started their gym. When they opened up they were offering free classes for their first month and she invited me to come along with her so I said why not!…

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A word from Chris “My journey with Shane started around 3 years ago now. It began with the idea of losing weight. I was 108kg (now 65kg) and only being 5ft6 I was in the type two obesity catorgy. We looked at my lifestyle and nutrition and implemented a weekly plan, starting with 3 resistant…

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Meet Amy Amy joined 10X Fitness August 2019, from then on she has gone from strength to strength working towards her fitness goals. Amy’s story: “I started my 10X Fitness journey back in August 2019 and I have absolutely loved every minute. I started off having 2 personal training sessions a week with Louise where…

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Self love is not easy and it certainly isn’t instant We can’t just flick a switch and love ourselves and our bodies (and if you can then I salute you)! Most of us have a constant battle with our thoughts and self judgement, we must learn to be thankful to our body. Its not something…

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Shakshuka is an easy, healthy breakfast (or any time of day) recipe. It’s a simple combination of simmering tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices and poached eggs. Not only is it t’s nourishing but filling and one recipe you’ll make over and over again. Ingredients 125g Cherry Tomatoes 1 red onion 1 yellow pepper 2 Garlic cloves…

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