The end of another year is upon us and as ever it becomes a great opportunity to reflect upon the achievements as well as the failures that have shaped the past 12 months; ultimately creating another chapter in your life. Ask yourself these questions……. What am I most proud of? What could I have done…

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  Its that time of year again, I’ve dug out and dusted off the slow cooker ready for a winters worth of warming healthy meals. Now with the colder evenings the slow cooker is perfect for providing you with warm nutritious meals as soon as you get home from work or the gym. I enjoy cooking…

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Well the honest answer is……..….it depends really! Not a very clear and concise response I know! The point I’m trying to make is that the decision to take a supplement should not be based on a companys marketing strategy or advice from another person; instead it should be down to your individual circumstances and whether…

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These days I find it difficult to get 10 minutes to myself and I know a lot of my friends and even clients feel the same. It is extremely difficult to make time for yourself when life gets in the way. More often than not it is your training that gets put on the back…

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As a 10x fitness coach I’m often asked things such as……. “What’s the best way to lose 2 stone?” “How do I get bigger arms?” “I really want to run a marathon, where do I start?!” “I’m 5ft 7 tall and I’d like to be 6ft, is this possible?!” Ummmm, sorry pal, unfortunately I can’t…

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Partner training It can be difficult to always train on your own, I know we find it hard sometimes. From my own experiences I have found that I will always push myself that little bit more if I have someone either encouraging me or if Im competing against someone. We have put together a partner…

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